UM4B0 User Manual
Operation Procedures
Step 1. Follow 4.2 Installation Guide to connect the power source, antenna to the
board, and turn on the EVK switch
Step 2. Click file - > connect the serial port, and set the baud rate; the default baud
rate of UB4B0M is 115200bps
Figure 4-6 Connect the Serial Port
Step 3. Click the receiver settings button to configure the NMEA message output. It
is recommended to configure GPGGA, GPGSV, and other messages.
Figure 4-7 NMEA Data Output
Step 4. Click the receiver settings button to configure the NMEA message output,
then click send. It is recommended to configure GPGGA, GPGSV, and other messages.
Step 5. In the data session window, click “Send all Message” to complete all the
NMEA message output (update rate 1Hz). Right click in the data session window to
adjust: output log font size, stop / resume log output, or clear log content, etc.
Step 6. Use various views of UPrecise to configure or input commands as required.