Report when MT90 reboots. SMS header defaulted as “Reboot”.
fence Alarm
fence is circle with preset radius. Max 8 geo
fence waypoints can be set.
Enter alarm: report when MT90 enters geo
fence. SMS header defaulted
as “Enter GEO”.
Exit alarm: report when MT90 exits geo
fence. SMS header defaulted as
“Exit GEO”.
Add new: set radius latitude and longitude, or draw geo
fence on map
directly in circle.
Monitor Phone No.
Authorize a phone number to make a silent call to the tracker. The tracker
will answer the call automatically which allows the caller to listen to what
is happening around the tracker. There is no voice indication during the
Phone number: max 2, 16 characters.
If no preset phone number, it’s empty (default).
SMS Track No.
Authorize a phone number to receive SMS report by time interval.
SMS report interval:
= 0, stop tracking by time interval (default);
= [1,65535], track by interval in minute.
Auto report times:
= no limit, unlimited times for report;
= [1,255], it will stop reporting when reaching preset times.
Save above settings to the tracker.
GPRS Tracking
Select TCP/UDP to enable GPRS communication.
Close: Close GPRS upload time.
TCP: TCP is a stable connection, it’s recommended to use this
UDP: UDP can save traffic but less stable.
Note: GPRS connection is default as turn off.
IP/Domain and Port
Input main server’s IP address and port number.