KRATOS 320 Mobile Patient Lifting Hoist Instruction & Safety Manual
08 9351 7500
Lifting Procedures
Carer should be fully conversant and trained in the use of lifter and sling. This will decrease patient
apprehension and increase their co-operation and overall safety of the lifting process.
Where possible always pull the lifter for maximum safety and comfort.
Move the hoist slowly to avoid patient swing whilst standing.
The hoist should not be used on uneven surfaces or on an incline greater than 5 deg.
Never leave a patient in a sling unattended.
Ensure brakes of the chair, bed, trolley that the patient is being lifted from are locked.
The braking castors on the lifter should be off. This allows the lifter to create its own centre of gravity
(C.G,) over the weight of the patient. N,B. This action may result in the lifter moving slightly during
the initial phase of the lift.
General Lifting Procedure
The information supplied below is not intended to be construed as a training manual but as a
general guide to lifting procedure only.
Manoeuvre the hoist around the patient, adjusting the legs to fi t around chair, wheel chair etc. If
lifting from a bed ensure under bed clearance is suffi cient to manoeuvre the lifter legs.
Lower the spreader bar suffi ciently to allow fi tting of sling attachment loops onto the spreader bar
hooks. Ensure spreader bar does not contact with patients face or body.
Use the handset to raise the hoist boom enough to take up the patient’s weight. At this point stop
the lift, check all sling attachments are secure and that the sling is positioned correctly. Check
patient comfort. Lower and realign sling if necessary.
Continue to lift until patient is clear of chair, bed etc. ensuring that during the course of the lift the
patient is clear of any obstructions.
Moving the Patient
Position the patient over the chair or bed to be lowered onto and begin the lowering procedure with
the handset down button. Check to make sure the patient remains comfortable during descent.
All General Purpose have handles sewn onto the back of the sling. These will assist the carer to pull
back the patient into the correct position for seating