Installation instructions
The following are the functions of the individual indicator
solar panel pump indicator light
boiler / storage tank loading pump indicator light
heating pump indicator light
boiler recirculation pump indicator light
free indicator light
auxiliary boiler indicator light (gas / diesel oil).
Pressing the switch
powers the panel and all the operations connected to it.
The key
powers the fan. This will remain active as long as there is wood in the boiler storage. This cycle is timed;
therefore when activated with this key, the board controls the boiler’s capacity of producing heat; when it runs out, the
boiler returns to the standby status after a preset time during which no more heat is available.
The key
changes the SUMMER / WINTER setting; in SUMMER mode the heating system pump is disabled.
The key
changes the priority between domestic hot water and heating.
This key is active if there is a storage tank with a coil. It stops heating in favour of DHW production and vice versa.
However the boiler water production cycle or storage tank loading will be activated automatically when the minimum
temperature of the boiler or torage tank has been reached. It will be deactivated when the boiler or storage tank has
reached the desired temperature.
When room heating is managed by the chronothermostat (or room thermostat) control, with closed contact and suf-
ficient boiler temperature, the board activates the heating system pump.
The arrangement will be viewed on the display according to the following phases:
- “DHW” setting, the boiler automatically activates domestic hot water priority when the storage tank has reached the minimum
- “OFF” setting when the boiler has requested neither DHW or CH.
- “CH” setting when the boiler has been requested heating through the chronothermostat (or room thermostat) input contact.
The key
silences the alarm in case of overtemperature alarm.
In case of an alarm, all the pumps configured according to the programmed operating mode are activated to disperse excess heat
(ANTI-INERTIA FUNCTION) and the fan stops.
The alarm sounds automatically if the boiler flow temperature exceeds 88°C. A signal flashes simultaneously on the display indi-
cating the placing in safety status.
The key
resets all the set functions and returns to the default settings.