LPR Series | Universal
User’s Manual
Account Management
Figure: Account Settings
Account Setting
Access Level : Admin/ Operator/ User
“Admin” level has the
highest privilege control for accessing camera, which can handle both
live view and all the configuration settings. The default username and password for Admin are
“admin” and “1234” respectively.
Operator: Differing from Admin, Operator level can only access camera for live view, storage, and
remote lens control functions.
User: Being the lowest level, User level can only access camera for live view function.
Add Users
Figure: Add Admin/ Operator/ User
Place the mouse cursor over the blank column and click the “Add” button. The prompt window
will pop up for you to input customized username and password for new user, the level (Admin,
Operator or User) of which is also available to be selected here.
Up to 10 users are available to coexist.
Modify & Delete Users
Delete: Choose one of the users from the list and then click “Delete” to remove it instantaneously.
(The default Admin is not available to be deleted.)
Modify: Choose one of the users from the list first, and enter updated information if necessary.
Finally click “Save” to take effect.
The login Username and Password must be 4 to16 characters long with the valid