NT216C GB1
22 / 26
8-7 : « I / O Test » menu
: simulation on outputs and relays .
! Test on current output is only available on MiniSonic-ISD
Simulated current on SA 1 or SA 2:
(Action by
+ / -)
Simulation of status on Re 1 or Re 2:
(Action by
+ / -
8-8 : « Output Current Settings» menu
( normally reserved to Ultraflux )
It permits adjustment of coefficients
for min / max range to 4 / 20mA
! Caution
: use an a approved instrument
to measure milliamperes .
8-9 : Complementary Adjustments to be done by PC / Software only :
The recommended status or values are entered by Ultraflux before delivery.
But, it could be necessary to modify some for site adaptation. As so:
Rest status of the relays: we deliver them in normal configuration that corresponds to a
positive logic:
No supply: relays are opened
All OK > fault relay is closed
Sphere passage > relay closes during 5 seconds
Sound speed below threshold > relay closed
First LCD screen: in place of sound speed or sphere counter , it is allowed to display
Amplification Gain + I.Q. or Date and Time .
It is allowed to give a name to the unit : Pipe-
line direction ; FIT …
Period Tx: a delay time before a new cycle can be entered , this to avoid to trig on an
multiple echo from the previous cycle . Such a delay is not necessary in PSD application .
CAG time: with the entered value , it is possible to hurry or slow down the automatic gain
control reaction . Number 10 means that every 10 measuring cycles an E / R is done to
actualise the new gain. In PSD application, it should be better to enter 30, this to limit the
gain reaction during a long Pig passage.
4 mA ( 1 & 2 ) = xxxx
20mA ( 1 & 2 ) = xxxx
Current 1 & 2 = xx.xx
Relay 1 & 2 =
Open / Closed