: To snapshot
or record
current screen while playback.
See file information
Download file from SD card to mobile device.
Upload selected file. Only downloaded files can be uploaded. To play a file
in SD card will trigger download first. During uploading the camera will shut the
Wi-Fi connection so that the cell phone can access internet through other
Delete file
The color of frame means different status:
Green: Selected
Gray: Downloaded
Red: Resume (download unfinished)
The color of file name tag means different file location:
Green: In camera SD card
Blue: In cell phone local storage
Yellow: In cell phone SD card
Chapter 4 Setup
Click the bottom-left button for Aleta S2C setup.
4.1 EV
Change image target brightness by selecting the EV value. Note that the target is
adjusted by ISO and shutter speed. If both ISO and shutter speed are set to fixed
values, this function would not work.
4.2 Stitching
This function can change the stitching distance between lenses. Note that there is
a minimum distance of 1 meter to stitch. Objects which is less than 1 meter away
from the camera and on the stitching line would not be stitched properly.
Manual / Auto stitching: The right end is auto stitching. The camera will auto