detect the distance to stitch. The left end is manual stitching. The camera will use
the selected distance to stitch. The middle part will refer to each method
according to the weights.
Stitching distance for the image on top.
Stitching distance for surrounding image.
4.3 ISO
Change image gain value. Larger gain brings more brightness, but also more
noise. If ISO is set to auto, camera will adjust it based on EV.
4.4 Shutter Speed
Change the shutter speed. Fast (short) shutter speed can get clear image for
moving objects, but the brightness would become low. If shutter speed is set to auto,
camera will adjust it based on EV.
※ EV target adjustment is based on ISO and shutter speed, so it only works when at
least one of them is set to “Auto”.
4.5 Sharpness
Change the sharpness of the image.
4.6 White Balance
Change the white balance of the environment:
Auto detection
: Select color temperature to adjust color.