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LBS assist
• LBS assist enables cell towers to
triangulate the tracker position when
there is poor GPS signal. Leaving this
feature on may cause the tracker to
appear up to a few hundred meters
from its actual location.
• We generally recommend only
using LBS assist while in the city, for
example, with tall sky risers, as the
buildings can prevent (reflect) GPS
signals from reaching the tracker,
causing LBS to become more
The map suggests my vehicle is next door or down the street when it’s
The ‘LBS assist’ (Location-Based Service) feature can cause fluctuation with the tracker positioning
and may be on as a default option.
I’ve re-logged into the iCAR App, and the tracker isn’t showing up. If I try ‘Add
new tracker’, it suggests it’s registered to another account.
When the tracker is first added (or the IMEI) to the iCAR App, it is binding to your email login details
(not to the phone or App).
Tracker List
• If you log into the iCAR App and
cannot see the IMEI number
underneath the tracker list in the main
menu, check you have logged in with
the correct email.