Using HTML frames
Menu.Applet offers the choice of using frames in a Web page, providing greater
flexibility when creating menus. Frames allow the menu to remain static while links
are opened in the adjoining frame. Expanded menu items will therefore remain
expanded while a selected link opens in the adjoining frame. Each frame can be given
its own URL, enabling each frame to be loaded individually.
Use Frames Output an HTML file
using frames.
Vertical Split the browser window
vertically into two frames. Select one
of the two buttons to specify whether
the menu should be in the left frame or
in the right.
Horizontal Split the browser window
horizontally into two frames. Select
one of the two buttons to specify
whether the menu should be in the top
frame or in the bottom.
Menu frame The name of the frame in
which the menu is displayed.
Open undefined targets in the
Content frame Make target URLs
open in the adjoining frame.
Content frame If the Open
undefined targets in the Content
frame option is enabled, assign a
name to the Content frame.
Giving the frame a name will allow
that frame to be targeted by other URLs.