Umwelt-Geräte-Technik GmbH
| Eberswalder Str. 58 | D-15374 Müncheberg | phone: +49 (0) 33 43 2 - 89 575 |
The Full Range Tensiometer is basically maintenance free and can remain in the field even for longer
periods. In case of malfunctioning, the manufacturer should be contacted in any case.
The Full Range Tensiometer can be used for pH values between 2 and 10. Extreme acid or alkaline
conditions lead to a damage of the tensiometer. If the tensiometer was used within the range limits (pH
3 or 9
10), the tensiometer should be cleaned afterwards. Flush the tensiometer and especially the
ceramic with distilled water. Then saturate the ceramic in distilled water. Repeat this procedure several
times to thoroughly flush the ceramic and the polymer.
The case of the tensiometer must not be opened under any circumstances. The single parts are not
separable. An open case causes irreparable damage of the tensiometer and forfeits all guarantee
UGT recommends recalibrating the Full Range Tensiometer after prolonged storage or before reuse
in a longer measurement period. A simplified recalibration of the offset (rezero), as described in the
following section, may be carried out by the user.
For a complete recalibration please contact UGT.
If you are planning measurements in soils with high salt contents or extreme pH values, it is
advisable to have a soil-specific calibration carried out by UGT.