Umwelt-Geräte-Technik GmbH
| Eberswalder Str. 58 | D-15374 Müncheberg | phone: +49 (0) 33 43 2 - 89 575 |
Data transfer
A RS485-Interface is required to connect the Full Range Tensiometer to the UGT Data logger or any other
device with a digital interface. The following chapters describe the communication between the Full
Range Tensiometer and the data logger.
Transmission Parameters:
Parameters for the serial interface (UART) are 9600 8N1
(9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit)
The RS485-Interface enables the operation in half duplex mode
Measurement channels, bus addresses and data polling
The Full Range Tensiometer has four
measurement channels
. The channel numbers cannot be changed
and are identical for each FRT. The calculation of the tension is done via the values from channel 2
(temperature) and 3 (pressure), which are the channels of main interest for the user.
In order to be able to use more than one FRT (example FRT 1 and FRT 2 and FRT 3), each
has to be given a
bus address
. This
bus address
enables the data logger to get the value
of specific
measurement channel
of a specific FRT. Those have to be numbered uniquely throughout all
Bus addresses
can be found in the
calibration certificate.
In order to change or view bus addresses of the FRT we advise to use FRT log. Experienced users
might want to use dataloggers or terminal programs for serial ports following the instructions
The 4 measurement channels do not accord with the four cables!
All bus addresses are addressed during the setup process by UGT. The addresses for
temperature and pressure are numbered serially so all of the FRT can be used with one serial
port. We advise to use the assigned addresses unless there is a conflict with addresses of other
sensors on the same port.