Important Notice: Please make sure the drone is placed on the
horizontal position after powering on the drone,
so that the drone can work well.
Checklist before Flight
1. The camera is in front of the drone. Keep the drone front
away from you.
2. Power on the drone and check the direction of the rotating
propellers. The left front and right rear A propellers rotating
clockwise while the right front and left rear B propellers
rotating counterclockwise.
5. It’s recommended to repeat above Steps 4 to practice.
6. Adjust relative transmitter Trimmer button to adjust the
rudder if the drone tilts to one side when flying.
4. After starting the motors, push up the left stick to fly up the
drone slowly, and then pull down the left stick to the lowest
position slowly, then the drone lands on the ground.
3. Move the Left Stick and Right Stick at the same time as
Picture 5 shown(45 degree inward) to start the motors and
repeat previous step again to lock the motors.
Picture 5