User Manual V1.4
Date: 2011.02.18
COM Port: 9,600 bps, 8,N,1 (8 data bits, None Parity, One Stop Bit)
PAN ID: ffff, The different setting will set the private network which will not be connected by
other Zigbee devices.
Channel: 25 CH, The different setting will set the private network which will not be
connected by other Zigbee devices.
The Zigbee manager will setup all the parameters. The scan function will search all the existing
setting when you plug the adapter on the PC side via RS-232.
9.2 Recover to default setting:
Power off all the Zigbee devices in the same Zigbee network.
Change the role, C/R/D, via DIP switch on the top of the adapter.
Change to role which is different to the existing setting and then power on the adapter. Be
sure that turn off the other Zigbee devices.
10. Data transmission via RS-232 interface:
10.1 The reliable max. length of packet: 80 Bytes and the time interval between packets: 300 ms.
The larger packet will need the longer time interval.
10.3 The length of the short address is 2 bytes in the front of the data from end device to
coordinator. The short address will be configured, please refer to the section
10.4 Buffer over flow: If the data transmission halt happen, please power off the coordinator and
restart the network.