H 2 1 6 A F r e q u e n t l y A s k e d Q u e s t i o n s
1.Cannot arm the drone’s motors/the drone’s motors will not start
Please confirm that 1) the compass has been calibrated and 2) the aircraft has 6 or
more GPS satellites.
2. Weak or nonexistent GPS signal/few or no GPS satellites
Make sure that the aircraft is not indoors or between buildings. Please take the
aircraft outdoors to receive GPS satellites/signal.
3. The aircraft does not return to the home point
When the aircraft takes off, be sure that the aircraft has received 6 or more
4. The aircraft keeps on losing GPS satellites or GPS satellites drop to 0 erratically
Check to see whether there are sources of high-frequency signal interference
around the aircraft (such as high-voltage lines, signal transmission towers, etc).
5. Aircraft/video feed is shaky
Check if the aircraft propellers are deformed or broken. Please replace them.
Check that all aircraft body screws are firmly in place.
Check whether any motor shafts are broken. Motors must be replaced if the
shafts are broken.
6. Cannot connect to the aircraft’s Wi-Fi
Restart the aircraft.
If you want to use the relay and the phone, aircraft are already bound, power the
aircraft off and exit the X-Hubsan app. Start from page 4 of this manual to re-con-
nect to the aircraft with the relay.
7. How to retrieve the aircraft when unit has been lost
Record or take a picture of the aircraft’s GPS coordinates on the smartphone
screen. Then locate the aircraft using the coordinates.