Before taking off, make sure that there are no obstructions in the flight route or environment.
Be sure to choose a flat, open area when landing.
To ensure safe flight, do not use your mobile device for other purposes or pair your unit with
another mobile device during operation. If you wish to use another device to fly the aircraft,
please power the unit off before reinitiating a new pairing.
Pull the throttle down (M2)
Disarm the motors
figure 1
figure 2
Step 4
Landing: (three ways; see directions below)
1) Manual landing (with the virtual joysticks): Slowly pull the throttle down until the copter
has completed its descent to the ground. Disarm the motors by simultaneously pulling both
sticks diagonally down-out (below). When the motors have completely stopped, release
the joysticks.
2) Tap the Auto Land icon and the aircraft will slowly descend to the ground. (Figure 1)
3) Tap the Return to Home icon. You can configure the landing point- choose for the copter
to land at the takeoff point or at the location of your mobile device. (Figure 2)