Step 4: Takeoff (two options)
a) Manually takeoff
Simultaneously pull the transmitter joysticks diagonally down-out to arm the motors.
Pull the throttle upwards (slowly and gently) to takeoff (as shown in the side figure).
Step 5: Landing (3 options)
a) Manual landing: Slowly and gently pull the throttle joystick down until the copter has
completed its descent on the ground. Simultaneously pull the transmitter joysticks
diagonally down-out to disarm the motors (as shown in the below figure).
b) Auto Takeoff
Please confirm that conditions are safe for take-off.
Then, long press the Auto Takeoff key and the aircraft
will automatically take off, maintaining a height of
around 2 meters. Note that when the aircraft is
airborne, the Auto Takeoff key will become an Auto
Land key.
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