© Ubicquia, Inc. All rights reserved. Uncontrolled if printed. Information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL &
PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF UBICQUIA, INC., and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or part, nor
disseminated to others, without the express written approval of Ubicquia, Inc.
2060 | rev2 | Client Use Approved
Tools Needed for Installation (not included)
Glove or other blacked-out material for testing functionality
Safety Information
Before installing a UbiCell, ensure the UbiCell has an adhesive backed gasket installed on the underside
of the product.
Before installing a UbiCell, ensure that the top of the unit is free from contact with obstructions
(billboards, tree limbs, electrical wiring, etc.).
When connecting the UbiCell to a NEMA receptacle, ensure that the prongs are properly aligned with
their corresponding insertion holes.
remove the UbiCell cover, as this will void the warranty. The UbiCell Lighting Controller is not a
user serviceable item.
The external NEMA UbiCell is intended
for outside placement on top of a light post fixture. It should
be installed inside a fixed closure or cabinet.
The external NEMA UbiCell should
be installed in non-ventilated areas.
The UbiCell is subject to atmospheric/environmental conditions and its successful operational
performance requires a continuous, clear line-of-sight propagation path with its gateway or access point.
Interference to its line-of-sight propagation path (e.g., atmospheric conditions or physical obstacles) can
adversely impact its operational performance.
Be overly cautious of electrical safety while making alterations to the UbiCell or the luminaire housing
during installation steps.
Electrical bodily injury or fatality can occur during installation activity if done incorrectly. Before starting
the installation procedures described in this installation guide, power
be turned off at the
installation site.
The UbiCell must
be connected to power sources using the proper electrical parameters: 100-
480VAC, and 50-60Hz (see Appendixes A-C for proper wiring connectivity).
be free from moisture and debris to avoid damage or poor performance of equipment.
If the UbiCell has been dropped or damaged, it should
be installed.
The installation should
be performed by a certified electrician.