SteP 3:
dePartment and emPloyeeS SetuP
Before using your CB1000 time clock, we’ll need to set up at least one department
and one employee. There is no limit to the number of departments you setup -
however, the number of employees are limited based on the plan you selected.
You can update your plan to include more employees by clicking on the ACCOUNT
link in the upper-right corner of
To Add a Department:
Step 1: Click on DEPARTMENTS on the main menu. (tabs at the top of the page)
Step 2: Next, click on the green ADD DEPARTMENT link in the upper-right hand
Step 3: First, enter a code for the department. This can be any 3 digit alpha-
numerical code. Next, enter the name of the department, then click the
ADD button.
To Add a User to a Department:
Step 1: Click on USERS on the main menu. (tabs at the top of the page).
Step 2: Next, click on the green ADD USER link in the upper-right hand corner.
Step 3: Select the role of the user - either “Employee” or “Supervisor”; enter the
employee’s first and last name, then click the ADD button.
Step 4: Next, click on the name of the user you just added, this will open up
additional configuration options for the employee. You can edit any of the
fields by clicking on the EDIT link to the right of each option. We highlight
some of the most used options in this guide. For more specific options,
please refer to the complete CB1000 manual, found in the help section
of the uAttend™ System.
Step 5: If this employee will be using a PIN number to clock in or out, click on the
EDIT link on the “PIN NUMBER” row. Enter the desired PIN number in
the field provided, then click the SAVE button. The employee will now be
able to use this PIN number on the CB1000 device to log in and out.
Step 6: If this employee will be using a RFID Badge, click
on the EDIT link on the “BADGE NUMBER” row.
The BADGE NUMBER can be found printed
on the RFID Badge - refer to the image to the
right to best locate this set of numbers. After
you enter the Badge ID, click the SAVE button.
Do not enter any leading zeroes that may be printed on the badge.
You are now ready to start using the CB1000 to punch in or punch out
any employees you have added to your account. Simply start the device
and you are ready to go.