Advanced Handling
Even with its high stability and good fl ight characteristics it is possible that the BLACK-
LIGHT gets into an extreme fl ight condition due to pilot mistakes or turbulent air. To be
prepared for such situations and able to handle them in a calm and superior manner it is
best to take part in a fl ight safety course. Advanced manoeuvers may only be fl own at suf-
fi cient altitude, in calm air and with professional supervision (i.e. during a safety course).
Once again we mention that a rescuesystem is required by the law.
e following extreme manoeuvers can be either caused intentionally, by pilots mistakes
or by bad weather conditions. Every pilot can get in such a situation! All mentioned extre-
manoeuvers are dangerous if they are performed without the appropriate knowledge
or enough altitude or the necessary introduction. A wrong execution of these manoeuvres
may have fatal consequences!
Spiral Dive
Like a normal turn, it is very easy to get the BLACKLIGHT into a spiral dive. Th
e spiral
dive gets you a descent rate up to 20 m/s. To prepare oneself in case of, practise it in opti-
mum conditions. Th
e diving spiral gets the pilot down faster than other techniques and is
therefore best suited for an emergency descent. Th
ey move down vertically within the air-
mass. Don`t forget the G-forces when diving down, and take that into consideration before
initiating a rapid descent.
If initiation is too fast there is a danger of a spin, in this case release the
brake an try a smoother initiation.
e symmetric spiral is exclusively a maneuver for amusement. It`s oft en re-
commended as a descent method, however we do not recommend to do so. Th
is is because
no spiral dive can be initiated in strong thermal conditions.
e pilot has to perform right and left turns with increasing bank until the desired angle is
reached. Collapsing wingtips is prevented by gently applying brake pressure in the up and/
or downswing of the wingover.
Full Frontal
A negative AoA caused by turbulences or the simultaneous pulldown of the A-risers by the
pilot, results in a frontal collapse of the leading edge. Th
e BLACKLIGHT comes out of a
frontstall by itself very quickly. Smooth and symmetric applying of the brakes assists the
opening of the canopy positively. Even, symmetrical, subtle pumping of the brakes can
assist the reopening.
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Страница 28: ...Lineplan In progress Page 24...
Страница 29: ...Certification U Turn BLACKLIGHT S Page 25...
Страница 30: ...Certification U Turn BLACKLIGHT S Page 26...
Страница 31: ...Certificarion U Turn BLACKLIGHT S Page 27...
Страница 43: ...Business Replay Card Page 39...