Air Motor Maintenance
Only proper maintenance can ensure consistent saw performance, reduction of wear,
and thus, a reduction in operation costs and an increase in service life.
Service life and performance of the chain saw are determined by:
1. Degree of air purity
2. Lubrication
3. Maintenance
System Clean-Up
1. Run saw, with water on, for 15 seconds out of cut to flush slurry and/or debris
from chain, bar, and drive.
2. Wash concrete slurry, cutting debris, and/or ductile shavings from saw
3. Remove bar and chain. Flush out chain tensioner assembly location with high
water pressure, then lube with grease.
4. Clean all air fittings on saw and compressor.
5. When finished cleaning saw, spray entire saw, chain, bar, and drive sprocket
with a light weight penetrating oil (ie: WD40). This will minimize rust and re-
build-up on saw assembly.
For every 50 hours of operation the motor will need to be greased. There is a
grease fitting on the motor. It will need 2 pumps of standard bearing grease.
Air Powered Chain Saw