not the case, enlarge the slots to accept
the planksheer. Once installed, fill any
gaps with wood filler (Figure 1-10).
10. Installing the Knightheads
and Forward Timberheads
Make the knightheads and bow timber-
heads, then glue them into the filler
blocks' precut notches. Add the laser-cut
stiffener at the top. It requires shaping
to match the hull (Figure 1-11).
11. Installing the Main
Rail and Chock Rail
The laser-cut main rail comes in sections
with scarf joints along the side, but the
stern rail is one piece. Use pins or dow-
els to align and hold them in place
(Figure 1-12). Their locations are critical.
They must evenly overhang the hull
planking and ceiling planking.
A laser-cut chock rail covers the main rail
at the bow. Taper it per the plan, then
drill rigging line holes and cut out the
section for the catheads (Figure 1-13).
12. Framing Around the
Gunports and Sweep Ports
Timberheads taper from 1/8" at the
deck to 3/32" at the rail. Frame around
the gunports and sweep ports with 1/8"
square strips. However, switch to 3/16"
square pieces where the bulwarks begin
to curve at the bow, then sand the out-
board and inboard sides of the hull
flush with the timberheads. Bulwark
planking and ceiling must lie flat
against this framing (Figure 1-14).
To check your work, take a strip of plank-
ing and lay it outboard on the hull,
inboard against the bulwarks, and along
the deck to make sure it will go on
smoothly. You do not want any surprises
when planking begins.
Fig 1-10 Installing the Waterway and Planksheer
Fig 1-11 Installing Knightheads and Timberheads at Bow
Fig 1-12 Installing the Main Rail
( Laser-cut)
From bulkhead “
” forward, the
inboard edge of waterway also
bevels to follow the bulwark slope
( Laser-cut)
Pin or dowel
Top stiffener
Rail must overlap
Pin or dowel
Rail (laser-cut)
Stringers to be installed later
Bevel edge & slots to fit flush
against bulkhead timberheads
Fig 1-13 Installing the Chock Rail
Taper laser-
cut rail
Pin or dowel
to main rail
Drill holes for rigging
Cut out in way of cathead
Fig 1-14 Framing Around Gun and Sweep Ports
Sand all framing flush with
bulkhead timberheads
Sweep port