6. Installing the Stern Blocks
and Transom Framing
Refer to Sheet 2. Port and starboard
filler and corner filler blocks butt into
Bulkhead Q
and the center keel. They
provide more area on which to glue hull
planking. Some waterlines are included
to aid in carving these blocks to the cor-
rect hull form.
Mount the stern filler block, then install
the laser-cut stern timbers. Add the cor-
ner filler blocks. Glue the two horn tim-
bers to the sides of the center keel. Inner
and outer timbers fit into a slot in
Bulkhead Q
. Glue quarter stanchions to
the corner filler block. To form the hole
for the rudder stock, install the laser-cut
filler piece between the horn timbers.
Timbers have stiffeners between them,
while some gunports have filler pieces
for support. A deck beam fits into the slot
in the top of the stern timbers. Figure 1-9
shows the stern framing assembly. See
the plans for pictorial views.
7. Installing the Bow
Filler Blocks
After carving the bow filler blocks to
shape, add them forward of
. They provide a solid base for tim-
berheads and knightheads, and addi-
tional support for the hull planking.
Planks will still need steam bending at
the bow; but, with the blocks in place,
are not as likely to break as they curve
around the last bulkhead.
8. Covering the Mast Slots
Cut the pieces shown on Sheet 2 from
scrap wood, then glue to both sides of
the two mast slots in the center keel.
Make sure they are securely fastened,
because access to them is impossible
once the deck is laid.
9. Installing the Waterway
and Planksheer
Apply glue to the scarf joints of the
three-piece waterway. When dry, shape it
to fit per the plans. Most shaping occurs
toward the bow. Now install it against
the timberheads.
Add the three-piece, laser-cut planksheer
on top of the waterway. It also requires
some shaping, especially at the bow.
The planksheer has built in gunport
sills, carronade carriage-pin holes, and
timberhead slots. The latter requires
precisely spaced bulkheads. If this is
Fig 1-6 Temporary Battens for Hull Alignment
Fig 1-8 Checking Hull Fairness with a Batten
Fig 1-9 Stern Framing
Fig 1-7 Correcting Bulkheads at Bearding Line
Check keel with
straight edge
Check spacings
Tack temporary
strip both sides
Optional permanent
strut between
Check alignment
visually in all
Bearding Line
Needs shim
Needs trim
Needs trim or shim depending on
fairness with next bulhead
Quarter stanchion
Top stiffeners
Stern timber
Arch board
Fill piece between
horn timbers
Deck beam
Center keel
Bulkhead “
Corner filler
Add shim
Smooth flow
into rabbet