The low frequency oscillator has 3 parallel outputs, and is also responsible for
Unipolar (+)
Activating the button at the top left causes the LFO’s waveform to be shifted upwards so that it
only delivers positive values instead of oscillating around zero. LFO amplitude is halved. Tip: If
you are using the LFO for typical vibrato, you would usually want this switched off.
A value between -5.00 and 5.00 – the selector specifies how this value is interpreted. The first 3
options are absolute times measured in seconds (0.1, 1 or 10), all the others are synced to host
tempo. The five options with ‘dot’ in the name are
(50% is added to the cycle length), and
those with ‘trip’ in the name have
length (3 cycles occupy the space of 2).
0.1s to 10s
absolute times: 1/10th, 1 or 10 seconds at Rate = 0.00.
1/64 to 8/1
synchronized to host tempo
Note that the Rate control is exponential. The simplest way to set up a typical 5Hz vibrato, for
instance, is to use ‘0.1s’ mode with Rate at -1.00.
Rate Mod
The depth of rate modulation from a source chosen in the selector. Tip: To make the triangle
and pulse waves less ‘perfect’, set this to
LFO random
and turn it up very slightly e.g. 0.10.