NEO-M9N - Integration manual
• Choose the required serial communication interfaces (UART, USB, SPI or I2C) and connect the
appropriate pins to your application. If SPI is used D_SEL must be connected to ground.
• The NEO-M9N module includes an LNA enabling the receiver to work well with a simple passive
• SAFEBOOT_N pin can be used to enable future firmware update.
4.4 NEO-M9N internal components
The NEO-M9N includes all necessary internal components for a complete GNSS solution.
4.4.1 Clock generation
The NEO-M9N includes a stable and clean TCXO oscillator for frequency generation to provide good
GNSS performance.
4.4.2 Real-time clock (RTC)
The NEO-M9N module includes a real-time clock (RTC). The RTC section is located in the backup
domain and used to maintain time in the event of power failure at the main supply (VCC). In the case
of a power failure at VCC, the backup domain is supplied by V_BCKP. The RTC enables hot start, warm
start, AssistNow Autonomous, AssistNow Offline and on/off operation of the power save mode. Time aiding feature
Current time can also be sent by UBX message on startup of the receiver. If time will be aided after
restarting the receiver, e.g. wake-up from backup mode, then the time kept by the internal RTC is
not used. To enable hot starts, the time information must be provided accurately and thus the time
mark feature must be used. The time aiding and time mark features are described in the NEO-M9N
Interface description [
Time aiding cannot be applied when using the power save mode operations, because the
host does not have any information when the GNSS receiver turns from OFF status to ON
status during on/off operation of the power save mode.
4.4.3 SAW and LNA
The NEO-M9N module includes a SAW filter, an LTE band 13 notch filter and a low-noise amplifier
(LNA) to reduce external RF intereference and to improve GNSS signal reception sensitivity.
4.4.4 VCC_RF antenna bias voltage
The NEO-M9N module can provide filtered power to external antenna or external LNA via the
VCC_RF output pin.
4.4.5 Flash memory
NEO-M9N includes an internal flash memory that can be used to store the firmware image, save
logging data or save the AssistNow Offline data. How to enable these services and functions is
described in the corresponding chapters of the
4.5 Antenna
GNSS signals operate with very low signal levels, ranging from -130 dBm to about -167 dBm. This
is already a quite challenging parameter for GNSS receiver performance. In addition to that out-of-
band interferers such as GSM, CDMA, WCDMA, LTE, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth wireless systems have a
much higher signal level. This makes the receiver layout even more challenging.
UBX-19014286 - R07
4 Design
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