3. Once “Connect to network” is displayed you can connect directly to Turn via the ad-hoc network it has created. On your
computer, scan for wireless networks until you find a network matching the SSID name displayed on Turn. You will be
prompted for a password; this is shown on the Turn display.
Note that the password will change each time you perform this setup step
Device setup
To connect to the setup web interface, browse to using a web browser (Chrome or Safari recommended).
Time zone
Setting the correct time zone is recommended for the accuracy of logging.
Export logs
Should you have any technical issues using Turn, the logs provide a method for us to help.
After you have an open dialog with our support team, they may ask you to provide logs
Upload firmware
Turn will have shipped with the latest firmware. As and when a new firmware release is available
you can update it here.
It is recommended that Turn is connected to your local network for ease of configuration, maintenance and device
When you first connect to Turn, you will be connected via the ad-hoc network advertised by Turn. To connect Turn to your
local network:
1. Click on the dropdown menu to view available wireless networks.
2. Choose either DHCP or Static. We recommend using a static IP address so that Turn is easy to locate in the future.
3. Enter the password for the local network.
4. Press “Apply”
5. If you chose the “Static” option, you can browse to the static IP address. If you chose DHCP you can either scan the
network to find the IP address it has been assigned or simply enter the unique device host name. For example, http://
Turn - Quick Start Guide