Trinity KT400 S2495
Chapter 3: BIOS Setup
AGP & P2P Bridge Control:
Phoenix – AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
AGP & P2P Bridge Control
AGP Aperture Size
AGP Mode
AGP Driving Control
X AGP Driving Value
AGP Fast Write
AGP Master 1 WS Write
AGP Master 1 WS Read
DBI Output for AGP Trans.
Item Help
Menu Level ? ?
: Move Enter: Select +/-/PU/PD: Value F10: Save ESC: Exit F1: General Help
F5: Previous Values F6: Fail-Safe Defaults F7: Optimized Defaults
AGP Aperture Size:
The amount of system memory that the AGP card is allowed to share with.
4MB / 8MB / 16MB / 32MB / 64MB / 128MB / 256MB
AGP Mode:
Chipset AGP Mode support.
1X / 2X / 4X
If to use 8x mode AGP card, the AGP mode already lock at 8x mode, that’s why there’s no
1x/2x/4x select item on it.
AGP Driving Control:
This item allows you to adjust the AGP driving force. Choose Manual to key in an AGP
Driving Value in the next selection. This field recommended to set “Auto” for avoiding any
error in your system.
AGP Fast Write:
Enables writes to AGP directly from memory bypassing the CPU in AGP4X and 8X .
Enabled / Disabled
AGP Master 1 WS Write:
When “Enabled”, Write to the AGP are executed with one waiting states.
Enabled / Disabled
AGP Master 1 WS Read:
The default is 2T, enabling 1T can increase the performance but also introduce stability
Enabled / Disabled
DBI Output for AGP:
Dynamic Bus Inversion(DBI) reduces simultaneously switching output(SSO) noise and
increases stability and signal integrity(only available with AGP 8X cards)
Enabled / Disabled