FDD Controller Failure
AMIBIOS cannot communicate with the
floppy disk drive controller.
DMA 2 Error
Error in second DMA channel.
DMA Error
Error in the DMA controller.
DMA 1 Error
Error in first DMA channel.
Error Message
Possible Reason For Error
Possible Solution
Check all appropriate con-
nections after the system is
powered down.
Return the board to dealer
for a replacement.
Return the board to dealer
for a replacement.
Return the board to dealer
for a replacement.
HDD Controller Failure
INTR1 Error
INTR2 Error
Invalid Boot Diskette
Keyboard is locked...
Unlock it
Keyboard Error
KB/Interface Error
AMBIOS cannot communicate with the
hard disk drive controller.
Check all appropriate con-
nections after the system is
powered down.
Interrupt channel 1 failed POST.
Interrupt channel 2 failed POST.
AMIBIOS can read the diskette in floppy
drive A:, but it cannot boot the system
with it.
Use another boot disk
The keyboard lock on the system is
The system must be
unlocked to continue the
boot sequence
The keyboard has a timing problem.
Make sure a keyboard con-
troller is installed. Set Key-
board in Advanced Setup to
Not Installed to skip the key-
board POST routines.
There is an error in the keyboard con-
Check the keyboard connec-
tor when the system has
powered down
Cannot find a proper bootable sector on
either drive A: or C:.
Check the disks for boot files
Parity error in memory installed on an
adapter card in an expansion slot.
The format is:
XXXX is the hex address where the error
Off Board Parity Error
Check memory in adapter
Return the board to dealer
for a replacement.
Return the board to dealer
for a replacement.