Global Properties
The Global Properties option on the Main Menu allows you to set Display and Video modes as well as a
pause if an altert message has been displayed. Below are the fields available along with their descrip-
The next page describes the Adapter Properties menu, available from the Main Menu.
Pause When Boot Alert Displayed
This option specifies whether to pause for user
acknowledgement after displaying an alert message
during boot. The Boot Alert setting can be either No
or Yes.
To continue after displaying a message, specify
To wait for any key after displaying a message,
Details on field
This option specifies the information display mode of
the BIOS during boot. It controls how much informa-
tion about adapters and devices are displayed dur-
ing boot. The Display Mode setting can be either
Terse or Verbose.
Boot Information Display Mode
This option sets the default value for synchronous
and wide negotiations with specified devices.
Options are: All, None, or Supported.
Negotiate with devices
Select this option to restore all default settings.
<Restore Defaults>
This option specifies the default video mode for the
Configuration Utility. The Video Mode setting can be
either Color or Monochrome. The monochrome set-
ting enhances readability on a monochrome monitor.
Video Mode