Unpacking & Handling
DRSP/DRDP/OFRP/ACRP system was shipped from Tuthill Vacuum & Blower Systems in perfect and undamaged
condition. Occasionally, damage will occur during shipping. Be sure to carefully inspect your system for shipping damage,
and if any damage is found, report it immediately to the carrier, who will assist you with filing a freight damage claim.
To move your system to its installation site we recommend that you leave it on its shipping skid if possible. The forks
should extend the width of your system and padding should be placed between your system and the fork truck boom.
If it is necessary to lift your system with a crane, we recommend the use of a spreader bar and chains. The spreader bar
should be greater than the width of your system and padding should be placed where chains may come in contact with the
system to prevent chain damage.
In some cases it may be necessary to store your system for extended periods of several months before placing the unit in
operation. When this is required, do the following:
1. Cover and seal all machine openings to prevent the entrance of water and dirt.
2. Cover all openings of motors to prevent the entrance of insects, rodents & vermin.
3. We do not recommend outside storage, but if outside storage is the only alternative, drain all traps and attendant
piping if the storage conditions can reach below 36° F (2° C)
4. Cover with a waterproof tarpaulin that can be easily removed for in storage maintenance.
5. While in storage every two to three months hand rotate the blower and motor to prevent flat spots on the bearings
that will lead to premature failure.
At the end of the storage period, follow the unpacking and startup procedures. If stored for more eighteen (18) months you
should contact Tuthill Vacuum & Blower Systems before placing your DRSP/DRDP/OFRP/ACRP system into service.
The room or outdoor area selected for installation should be of adequate size to provide full access to your system for
routine maintenance. It should have ventilation to keep the room as cool as possible. Operating at elevated temperatures
can result in decreased system performance, and potential nuisance overload or temperature shutdowns. Lighting in the
area should be sufficient to allow for safe and functional access to the equipment.
Your DRSP/DRDP/OFRP system does not require a special foundation. However, it is necessary for the floor to be solid and
level, and that the frame be adequately supported. We do recommend that the system be bolted to the floor.
Where a solid foundation is not feasible, care must be taken to ensure that your system is firmly anchored to adequate
structural members.
All electrical wiring should be performed by a qualified and licensed electrician in compliance with NEC standards and
local codes as applicable. Be sure to investigate the local requirements before installing your DRSP/DRDP/OFRP/ACRP
system. The power supply should be adequate and free of parasitic loads that will cause an undervoltage condition during
operation. Otherwise, nuisance electrical shutdowns will result.
Do not start up the system until you are certain that the pump(s) and motor(s) have been properly and fully lubricated. (See
Kinney KLRC™ Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump manual and the motor manual for details.)
The intake and discharge connections on your DRSP/DRDP/OFRP/ACRP system are large enough to handle maximum
volume with minimum friction loss. Be certain that all external intake piping is internally clean before connecting to your
system. We recommend placing a 16-mesh wire screen backed with hardware cloth at the remote inlet connection of your
system for the first 50 hours of use, or until the external piping is clean and free of debris and weld slag. Make provisions to
clean the screen after a few hours of operation and completely discard it once the system is clean, as it will eventually
deteriorate and small pieces going into the pump can cause serious damage.