DRSP/DRDP/OFRP/ACRP liquid ring vacuum pumping systems incorporate features necessary for reliable, low
maintenance operation. Each DRSP/DRDP/OFRP/ACRP system includes a separator tank with level gauge and/or control,
vacuum relief valve, sealant heat exchanger, temperature, pressure and vacuum instrumentation, sealant isolation valves,
and sealant flow control valve factory installed and pre-piped, so assembly at the installation site is minimized.
Full Sealant Recovery
DRSP/DRDP/OFRP/ACRP liquid ring vacuum systems incorporate full sealant recovery to minimize the need for makeup
water or oil in the sealing system. This reduces utility demand and cost of ownership.
Ease of Installation & Maintenance
As DRSP/DRDP/OFRP/ACRP liquid ring vacuum systems are completely assembled at the factory, installation time and
effort is minimized. DRSP/DRDP/OFRP/ACRP liquid ring vacuum systems are engineered to provide easy access to all
areas of the liquid ring vacuum pump, motor and controls for maintenance and adjustment.
Vacuum Relief Valve
The vacuum relief valve (or VRV) is a high flow, reliable spring biased piston type. Its vacuum setting is adjustable.
As with all standard vacuum relief valves, the set range of the valve is very wide and improper setting
of the valve can result in poor system performance or possible cavitation of the liquid ring vacuum
pump. The valve is factory set to the specifications provided at time of order. Field adjustment of the
vacuum relief valve should be limited to maintaining the vacuum level for which the system was
If operation conditions are to change or the relief valve needs to be set at a point different from that
specified in the initial order, always consult with Tuthill Vacuum & Blower Systems prior to making
such adjustments.
Separator Tank
DRSP/DRDP/OFRP/ACRP liquid ring vacuum systems include a separator tank to remove liquid entrained in the discharge
process gas stream, and provide make-up liquid volume for the liquid ring vacuum pump. The separator tank includes a
level gauge and level control (optional) to protect against overfilling the liquid ring vacuum pump. The separator tank is
equipped with a temperature gauge to monitor sealant liquid temperature.
Heat Exchanger
DRSP/DRDP/OFRP/ACRP liquid ring vacuum systems
are supplied with a heat exchanger to remove waste heat to the
heat transfer medium. The type of heat exchanger supplied can be either liquid-to-liquid or liquid to-air, and of
varying styles and materials depending on requirements dictated by the application.
Four basic gauges are provided with
DRSP/DRDP/OFRP/ACRP liquid ring vacuum systems:
Inlet Vacuum Gauge – Monitors inlet vacuum level
Heat Exchanger Entry Temperature Gauge – Monitors temperature of sealant liquid entering the heat exchanger
Heat Exchanger Exit Temperature Gauge – Monitors temperature of sealant liquid exiting the heat exchanger
Inlet Sealant Line Compound Gauge – Monitors pressure of sealant line entering the vacuum pump
Additional gauges, switches or other instruments may also be included, depending on customer requirements
Three basic valves are provided with
DRSP/DRDP/OFRP/ACRP liquid ring vacuum systems:
Sealant Makeup Valve – For connecting to make-up liquid source
System Isolation Valve – For isolating pump from the process system
Manual Flow Control Valve – Regulates flow of sealant liquid into the pump
The Manual Flow Control Valve should never be closed while the pump is running. Closing the valve
while the pump is running will starve the pump for sealant, resulting in unwarrantable damage to the