* Consult factory for extreme temperature applications outside this range.
** The lift in feet is equivalent to the vertical distance from the surface of the fluid in the tank to the inlet
of the pump, PLUS the friction losses through the vertical and horizontal runs of pipe. All elbows and
other fittings must be included in the calculation of friction loss. The system should be designed to
require a minimum amount of suction lift.
*** Lift of gasoline dependent on Reid's vapor pressure of the gasoline and it's temperature. The lower
the vapor pressure and temperature, the higher the possible lift. Refer to the attached Practical
Gasoline Suction Lift Considerations to determine the gasoline lift you can expect.
CAUTION: Only pump as clearly carrying the UL Listing Mark should be used with gasoline or
any low flashpoint fluid. Look for the Mark.
Fluid Compatibility
The Series 100 Rotary Hand Pumps are designed for petro products of all types. If there is a question
for a particular fluid, check the affects of that fluid on the following wetted materials.
Flow Capability
10.3 Ounces (0.306 Liters) per Revolution.
Maximum Dry Vacuum
6" of Mercury
Minimum Lift**
8' of Diesel. For gasoline see below.
Maximum Viscosity of fluid pumped
SAE30 Motor Oil
Maximum ambient operating temperature
150 °F (66 °C)*
Minimum ambient operating temperature
-15 °F (-26 °C)*
Cast Iron Steel
Zinc Plated Steel
Viton® Vellumoid
110, 120, 112, and 122 Only