Tuson SV120-F Скачать руководство пользователя страница 28



Protection type: 



Insulation class: 





14 kg 


Transportation and Storage 

  It should be cleaned properly for longer 



Assembly and Initial Operation  

Before plugging in the welding machine, 

check that the voltage is complying and the 

voltage complies with the unit full load. It is 

also necessary to make sure that the supply 

earth system is sufficient.   




The unit is connected to the terminal with a 

grounding cable. Make sure that the contact 

between the tongs and the piece to be welded is 

perfect. The parts touching each other have to be 

degreased and any rust must be removed. Also, 

it should be protected against it. Any non-

functioning piece will decrease the welding 

capacity and may result in non-satisfactory 

quality of welding.




The better is the contact, the better is the result 

of welding 

(e.g. polish with hand angle cutter) 


Operation (Fig. 2) 

Control Post 


The welding machine is equipped with a 

power switch (ON-OFF position). 

(Fig. 2/a)



Welding current set-up  

The welding machine SG 120 A


for solid wire 

welding has a three way switch to provide for 

2 set-up of the welding current according to 

the required load  

(Fig. 2/b)



Setting the speed of wire feed  

The wire feed speed will be set up by a 

potentiometer. The rate of the wire feed should 

be set up by the potentiometer to be found in the 

front side of the tool. The potentiometer is used 

together with a reversing switch in control of the 

current load, which results in a DC arc 

(Fig. 2/c)



Overheating Protection  

The unit is equipped with thermal protection to 

interrupt the welding current supp immediately 

when a higher temperature is reached. . Then a 

red warning light will turn on 

(Fig. 2/d).

 As soon 

as the temperature decrease at a level enabling 

the operation, the warning light will go off again  

The current supply will be restored and the unit is 

able to operate again. 



The wire reel assembly and the hoses 


Reels weighing up to  0,2-0,4 Kg –may be used 

on the unit.  

Wire feed motor  

Make sure that diameter of the wire feed groove 

is the same as that of the wire. The welding 

machines are determined for a reel carrying wires 

of diameter  0,6 and 0,8. If it is necessary to work 

with a wire of diameter 0,9, it is possible to use 

the supplied reel .The required diameter is 

printed on the printed on the side.  

Welding machine SG 120 A is equipped with 

grooved reels to weld with solid wire without 

gaseous shield



Wire Introduction  

The first 10 cm of wire should be cut in a way that 

the resulting cut is straight, is not overlapping, 

sagging and dirty. Lift up the reel joined using a 

movable arm by releasing a respective screw. 

Insert the wire in the plastic lead by pulling it 

through a respective groove and thus inserting in 

the lead again . Mind that the wire should not be 

stretched, it should be inserted loosely. Make 

sure for the wire not to be tightened and be laid 

loosely. Lower the moving arm again and set up 

the pressure by a respective screw. The 

pressure, id correctly set-up will thus The 

pressure properly set-up will influence the regular 

feed of the wire. Even if the wire gets stuck  the 

driving wheel is driven by the correct pressure 

and the wire is fed without any problems further 

on.  The wire resistance should be set up on the 

wire axis. The resistance should be set up in a 

way to provide for easy drawing out and to 

prevent  winding back by itself. If the action of the 

clutch is too dragging and the driving wheel is 

skidding, the clutch should be tightened so that 

the wire guiding becomes regular.   


Hoses Connection 

Solid wire welding machine SG 120 A. 

It has 

got a set of hoses  directly connected being thus 

ready for use. The exchange, if necessary has to 

be done extremely carefully by an expert. To 

exchange the gas nozzle it is sufficient to 

unscrew and pull it out. The gas nozzle must be 

pulled out  together with every current nozzle 

exchange. It is necessary to see that the 

diameter of the nozzle coincides with the 

diameter of the wire. The gas nozzle should be 

kept clean any time  


Operator Safety Instructions 

  Before the machine is switched on, all the 

safety and protection elements must be 

installed properly at places.  

  Do not use the unit before you have read the 

operating manual carefully. 








Reels weighing up to 0,2-0,4 (1,0) Kg may be used

on the unit.

Содержание SV120-F

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Страница 23: ...mum maintenance is sufficient to provide long service life without any difficulties Our manual of use contains sufficient information on installation and maintenance of these welding units To reach a better result with he welding machine it is recommended to use a protection welding spray to protect and maintain nozzles and parts to be welded 24843 This is the way how to increase the sealing prope...

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Страница 25: ...ace parts must be removed Prevent unintentional switching on Before plugging in check the unit to see that it is switched off When working outdoors always use special extension cables These cables are suitable for the purpose and they are marked in a corresponding way Be concentrated all the time Mind what you are doing Use common sense Never work with an electrical tool when you are tired Watch o...

Страница 26: ... Apply respective first aid and call qualified medical aid fast Protect the injured from more injuries and calm him her down Meaning of Symbols Following symbols are used in this instruction on the unit Product safety Product compliance with respective EU standards Bans General ban combined with another pictograph Warning Warning Caution Warning against hazardous electric voltage Commands Use prot...

Страница 27: ...d internal injuries Always use suitable protection suits and work with care Material and other substances hazard Contact aspiration Long time aspiration of welding gases may be health hazardous Work with exhaustion Work in a well ventilated area Prevent direct aspiration of gases Hot slag and sparkles may cause fires and explosion Never work with the unit in a fire hazardous environment Other Haza...

Страница 28: ...re The welding machines are determined for a reel carrying wires of diameter 0 6 and 0 8 If it is necessary to work with a wire of diameter 0 9 it is possible to use the supplied reel The required diameter is printed on the printed on the side Welding machine SG 120 A is equipped with grooved reels to weld with solid wire without gaseous shield Wire Introduction The first 10 cm of wire should be c...

Страница 29: ...istance or inclination from the hoses 2 Wet pieces Troubleshooting 1 The distance between the hoses and the work piece should be 5 10 mm The inclination should not be less than 60 according to the piece 2 To dry with a pistol with warm air or other agent Trouble The unit stopped functioning unexpectedly after a long operation Cause 1 The machine has got overheated due to a long operation and in re...

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