e-Boost-40/60 Instructions
Page 10
Internal Wastegates
- The table below is a
to relate boost set point values to approximate boost pressures achieved when using
an internal wastegate with a 0.48 bar (7 psi or 48 kpa) wastegate actuator. If your wastegate actuator has a higher minimum boost pressure,
this table will not apply.
External Wastegates
-Please use caution! Reset all Boost Set Point values to Zero (0). Follow the steps in the section 4d. Setting Boost
Pressure, to adjust each of your Boost Set Point Valves
The e-Boost cannot be used to obtain a boost pressure lower than the standard actuator setting
The e-Boost cannot compensate for boost pressure drop at high RPM due to the turbocharger operating beyond its maximum efficiency
range i.e. incorrect turbocharger sizing or excessive exhaust backpressure, or increases in boost pressure at high RPM due to inadequate
wastegate flow capacity. The turbo system must maintain a steady base boost curve.
The e-Boost cannot be used with external wastegates that are in a poor, worn or non-serviceable condition.
4e. Sensitivity
The e-Boost has a sensitivity adjustment that effects the way that the e-Boost controls boost pressure. The sensitivity is factory set to 10,
this caters for the majority of turbo applications, however should you feel that the sensitivity requires adjustment it can be set from 0 to 99.
Refer to the table below for more detail.
Sensitivity too low
Achieves more boost in high gears
Takes longer to achieve boost set point
Boost drops off at higher RPM
Sensitivity correct
Boost rises quickly and is steady
Sensitivity too high
Boost pressure fluctuates, cycles or is not smooth
Boost pressure overshoots set point – rises too fast
Note: Actual boost pressure will increase slightly with sensitivity.
To change the sensitivity enter the
boost parameter menu
, then scroll to SEn parameter. Press and hold the
button for two seconds,
press the up or down arrows to change the sensitivity value. Press the
button momentarily and the sensitivity value will be stored. Press
button again to return to
Alternatively the sensitivity can be tuned live while editing this parameter. Apply full load to the engine, in a high gear at full throttle. The
boost pressure will be displayed on the readout. Note, the number that appears will be in bar, psi or kpa, depending on what has been set in the
readout parameter, see section 4b for more detail. You can now alter the sensitivity in real time, according to the table above.
5a. Setting Gate Pressure
Gate pressure control is a unique feature to the e-Boost. The Gate pressure function allows you to determine
the pressure at which the wastegate begins to open. By optimising the gate pressure and keeping the
wastegate closed as long as possible, your desired boost will be achieved faster and at lower RPM. Substantial
gains in torque will be achieved.
The e-Boost has three Gate Pressure settings that coincide with each boost set point, SP1, SP2 and SP3. This
allows you to tailor each gate pressure to individual boost set points in order to get the most efficiency from
your turbo. For example GP1 is used only when SP1 is selected, GP2 is used only when SP2 is selected and so on.
The Gate pressure should only be set once your boost set points have been finalised – do not attempt to set the gate pressure first. The three
gate pressures have been factory set to 0.2bar (2.9psi or 20kpa). The objective when setting gate pressure is to maximise the value without
causing a boost spike. Increase the gate pressure until the boost pressure overshoots the desired setting. This boost spike is a result of the
wastegate actuator being held closed too long. Reduce the gate pressure value until this boost spike is eliminated.
If the gate pressure is set beyond your actual boost pressure, the e-Boost will reach the gate pressure once and then revert to your actual
boost pressure. Once the e-Boost registers a vacuum, the gate pressure function is reset and so on.
Boost Set Point
Approximate Boost Pressure achieved
0.68 bar / 10 psi / 68 kpa
1.02 bar / 15 psi / 102 kpa
1.29 bar / 19 psi / 129 kpa