Relever les 2 gardes corps en les faisant pivoter, les gardes corps
gardent de la liberté angulairement et basculent donc vers l’avant.
Remove the pin that holds the
wheel, and adjust wheel height
Align the hole on the wheel closest to the hole
on the wheel-holder and re-insert the pin
2-3: Adjusting the wheels
Check that the floor is horizontal both lengthwise and crosswise. If the scaffolding is placed on a non-flat floor, the
wheels can be adjusted for putting the unit level.
Carry out this operation on all the wheels that need to be adjusted for the scaffolding to be level.
Make sure that the scaffolding is level before continuing to erect it.
2-4: Installing guardrails:
Check that the catches are
correctly engaged on all 4 hinges
Raise the guard-rails by pivoting them. They are free to move at an
angle and can therefore tip over forwards