TTBIT SCRYPT USB Stick Miner User Guide
Last updated on 04/06/2019
Page 15
7. Voltage and Frequency Adjustments (overclocking)
Even with a fan built in, you can still overheat your TTBIT at higher
frequencies. I do not recommend running these past 800mhz unless you can
closely monitor temps (if you have a IR temp gun check the top ASIC
heatsink, it should not be any hotter than 80C).
Below is a visual of the board for reference:
There are two pots that control the two main voltages feeding the ASIC. Top
pot controls the memory voltage (when looking at the board with USB port
facing left), and bottom controls core voltage. You adjust the voltage by
turning the Pot clockwise or counterclockwise with a fine flat head or philips
screwdriver. The pots are VERY sensitive, the whole voltage range is within
HALF a turn in either direction from the stock position. You must do micro
adjustments if you want to do very fine tuning. For example going from .75
- .8 v might take as little as a little torque pressure on the screwdriver even if
you don’t feel it actually twist.
Make sure you have place the stick horizontal and the USB end is facing
To turn the voltage UP turn the pot CLOCKWISE, to turn it DOWN,
DO NOT turn the pots more than 180 degrees in either direction, they have
no stops and if you go past their lowest or highest setting you could damage
To check the voltage use a multimeter and contact the ground wire to either
of the two ground terminals (circled and labeled ground in the picture), and
the positive wire to the outputs of the two inductors (circled and labeled
VCORE, and VMEMORY). Be extra careful not to short anything as a single
short anywhere on the board while its powered will most likely fry it. If you