4-14) Separate the PCBs and install IC203 [KM155ID1] into its socket.
4-15) Connect BLUE Signal PCB to the RED Power/Logic PCB with the pin headers only. Confrm that VR_HV is fully clockwise. As mentioned
previously, adjusting the Voltage Boost Circuit EXPOSES YOU TO HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES. Take care to not touch any of the components in
the Voltage Boost Circuit with your body while calibrating the Voltage Boost Circuit. WEAR EYE PROTECTION! Connect the Chaos Divider to
your power supply of choice and energise. If no “magic smoke comes out” we are ready to proceed. Slowly turn the adjustment of VR_HV
anti-clockwise until the Nixie “ignites” and you can see the Zero digit glowing. Using the connections 0VTP and HVTP [like you did in step 3-
8], confrm that the anode voltage is between 155VDC and 160VDC. If not, adjust [using VR_HV] until it is in that range. Also, take note that
the Blue Nixie backlight should also be on. De-energise your Power Supply:
4-16) This is another good spot for a break. This time will allow the Voltage Boost circuit to dissipate any stored voltage in the capacitors.
V 1.4
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