Doc. # 5016
Rev. A
Operation and Service Manual
Enables writing a report to disk. Choose from three options, ALARM, ALL, or OFF. Refer to
section 3.6, Reports, for details. Report Type
Enables the user to select either Text or CSV (comma separated value). CSV is useful if the data
is going into a spreadsheet. Label Printing
If Manual is selected, each time the user requires a label they will be required to click on a print
button to print the label. If Automatic is selected, a label will be automatically printed after each
scan. The user will not be required to click on a print button. BM Identification
This is the identification for the monitor. This ID will be included in the reports and data sample
information. Enter any combination of eight alpha-numeric characters. User Waste Stream
This entry allows the system administrator to allow all operators access to any or all of 20
available waste streams. If this entry is set to "0", the operator must select the appropriate waste
stream for each item to be scanned. If set to 1 - 19, the operator will only be able to use the waste
stream selected by the system administrator.
This is a global entry that applies to all operators. Units
Allows the user to set the units to Curie (will autoscale to Ci, µCi, nCi, etc.), Bequerel, or
nanocurie. Force Background
Background timeout so the unit will force a new background after a user-defined period of time.
If the unit is scanning a drum at the time, it will wait until the current scan is completed before
getting new background.