34020-01385 · 00 · 07/2022
Method of operation
Truma CP plus
Requirements for the automatic climate control func-
tioning as expected:
The air conditioning system and heater cover the
entire area of the vehicle that is intended to be auto-
matically air conditioned�
The room temperature sensor of the heater is the
lead sensor of the automatic climate control and
must therefore be in a suitable location, i�e�
in the area in which the required room tempera-
ture should be reached�
if possible, not influenced by outside temperature
or sunlight�
not close to warm air ducts, cold air ducts or oth-
er sources of heat or cold�
warm or cold air from the air outlets must not flow
against the room temperature sensor� Particular
attention must be paid to this when adjusting the
air throttles on Aventa air conditioning systems�
with good circulation and not on the vehicle
Truma Partners are trained in the correct installation of
automatic climate control� You will find our authorised
dealers / Truma Partners at www�truma�com�
4.2 Time control
In addition to normal operation, a time switch can al-
so be used� A time switch can be set for all operating
parameters� To do this, set a start time (1) and an end
time (2)� In normal operation, outside the time control
(B), the operating parameters that were set previously
remain valid (A)�
If you change a parameter during the timer interval, it
will remain changed until the end time� After this, the
parameters are reset for normal operation�
The timer repeats every 24 hours�