Electrical diagram
Symptom Possible cause(s) Corrective Action(s)
No detergent 1. Lance nozzle is not in low pres- 1. Slide lance nozzle into low
suction –units
sure. pressure position.
with tanks. 2. High pressure exten- 2. Remove high pressure exten-
sion hose or high pressure sion hose or use high pressure hose
is too long. hose shorter than 25 feet.
3. Injector clogged on pump. 3. Call the dealer.
No detergent Detergent applicator is clogged. 1. Clean applicator with warm
suction – units water.
with attachable
2. Replace applicator.
Unit begins to Overheated, overloaded or Turn off unit and call the dealer.
damaged motor.