Thrust Angle for the TR-12:
After completing the two-wheel centerline procedure on page 27, use these additional steps to
complete a thrust angle alignment with the TR-12.
Make note of the numbers reading on the laser box face on both sides of the vehicle, I.E.
the number 8 on the left side and the number 2 on the right side.
Add the numbers together and divide them in half the resulting number would be 5.
Adjust both tie rods until the laser beams are on the number 5 on both laser box faces and
the cross toe laser is in the hole.
Setting the front Toe with the TR-212:
After completing the steps in the thrust angle alignment on page 29 of this manual, use the
following procedure to set the front toe. Remember that the Caster, Camber, and SAI must be set
before setting the front toe.
Center and lock the steering box. Place the TR-37 on the left front wheel pointing
towards the rear of the vehicle with the frame flags still attached to the vehicle. Level
and turn the laser gun on, adjust the laser beam so that it is vertical, compensating for
the camber. Set the toe dial at zero.
Note the near and far readings on the frame flags. If the readings are the same then
there is not any toe in the left front wheel, this is ideal for a circle track car.
Place the TR-37 back on the right side and the TR-36 on the left so that the laser guns
are in the same configuration as they were on the rear wheels.
Set the toe dials on the TR-36 & TR-37 at zero.
Adjust the cross laser on the TR-37 to hit the mirror on the TR-36 laser gun. Adjust the
toe dial on the TR-36 until the cross toe laser beam drops back into the hole on the TR-
37 laser gun.
Read the toe dial remembering that the Total Toe is half of what is on the Toe Dial.
If the toe reading is not the desired toe, then set both toe dials to the desired toe reading,
I.E. 1/8” Toe Out.
Adjust the tie rod on the right side until the laser beam drops back into the hole. There
is now 1/8” of toe out on the right side and the left side is at zero. A typical circle track
toe setting.
If a total toe condition is desired, then refer to steps 1-8 on page 27 of this manual,
make sure that the laser guns are pointed in the forward direction though.