Troglotech T804 User Manual SD VERSION Page 10
There are 9 pages that are available to display text. The pages are useful for stor-
ing text that is often used such as your Companies Name and Address. To dis-
play a certain page of text put the Text Writer in VIEW mode (Upper/Lower case
symbol NOT displayed).
Press keys 1 through 9 to display that page,
Pressing the
button will increase the page number and display that page.
Pressing the
button will decrease the page number and display that page.
Both buttons loop the page number, from 9 to 1 and from 1 to 9 respectively.
If no text needs to be displayed
press the ‘CLEAR’
button, this will remove
the text from the screen (but will not delete it from memory), it will also remove the
‘Upper/Lower case’ indicator and the Page Number display.
Pressing the ‘CLEAR’
button again will display the text contained on the cur-
rent page and the Page Number display on the bottom of the screen. The Text
Writer will be in VIEW mode.
To edit text first choose a PAGE you want to edit as explained in the previous
section. Put the Text Writer in ‘EDIT’ mode as explained above, the ‘Upper/Lower
case symbol will be displayed in EDIT mode and the Page number will be dis-
played to the right of the symbol. You are ready to edit text.
Pressing any of the alphanumeric keys will now write to the screen. Each letter
you type is automatically saved so if power is removed you will not lose any work.
If you want to change to lower case press the ‘CAP’
button once.
To create spaces press the ‘SPACE’ button.
If you want to jump to the next line press the ‘ENTER’ button.
Use the
cursor buttons to move the cursor around the screen.
The cursor will jump from bottom to top, left to right and visa-versa when the ex-
tremes of the TEXT area are reached.
Press the ‘EDIT’
key to
remove the cursor from the screen
when you have
finished typing to put the Text Writer in VIEW mode.
NOTE SW Version 4 will show messages in the lower status line to indicate
Textwriter EDIT and VIEW modes