3. 2 Adjusting the Copy Density
The CX 8020 has 14 levels of Copy Density.
It is possible to select your preferable one optionally from these 14 levels. (7 levels in Normal
Mode and also 7 levels in SL Mode) ( SL removes background )
The Copy Density is shown by both the Copy Density Indicator and SL Indicator.
The Copy Density Indicator has 7 selectable levels. The density of copy becomes darker if you
select the level on “more” right side. (On the contrary it becomes lighter if you select the one on
“more” left side.)
Also if you validate the SL Mode (Strong Light Mode which removes background), it becomes
possible to select 7 more levels which belong to the lighter category than Normal Mode. (These 14
levels are consecutive.)
SL Mode ON Normal Mode (SL Mode OFF)
Darkest Level
Lightest Level
Light (Consecutive) Dark
Chapter 3 Useful Function
As the copy density becomes very light if you select the SL Mode, it will be beneficial if the
original has a very dark background like “dark blue print”.