© Triton Electronics Ltd 2022
Doc. AMV35003_1.doc v1.04
PAGE 5 OF 52
Voltage connections
It is important to remember that unless measuring the voltage at the welding head or torch, all
measured voltage will include the voltage drop across the cables. So, if a procedure is qualified using
3m cables but in production uses 6m cables the voltage measured at the power source will be
AMV3500 will display the voltage magnitude when displaying digital values, it is only in
OSCILLOSCOPE mode that polarity of voltage is shown. For all calculations the magnitude is used.
Voltage clips
These are the simplest way to connect to any power source. Generally, one side on the earth clamp
and, if MIG/ MAG welding the other on the wire feed unit.
Dinse connectors
Dinse connectors provide a convenient way to measure
welding voltage. These are particularly applicable to TIG and
MMAW welding.
Wire Feed Sensor
Clip the wire feed sensor around the welding wire and
connect to the AMV3500.
Temperature Sensor