XM340-V1.0 - A
Example: we set SPEED ==1second, and FADE ==1second, the 1st step is Red
100% open, the 2nd step is green 100% open, the 3rd step is Blue 100% open. So,
the Chase would come out as:
1, The Red 100% open and stay for 1second (SPEED)
2, Then Red drop down from 100% to 0%, the same time Green from 0% to
100%, in 1second (FADE)
3, The Green stay 100% for 1second
4, Then Green drop down from 100% to 0%, the same time Blue from 0% to
100%, in 1second (FADE)
5, Blue stay 100% for 1second.
6,Then Blue drop down from 100% to 0%, the Red come up from 0% to 100%
3) Remote DMX addressing (RDMX) - This function allows the DMX address to
be changed remotely from a DMX console. This setting requires special settings
for both the controller and the fixture.
1. RDMX function may be turned on and off, and is “ON” be default. Follow the
procedure listed below to access the RDMX functions:
2. Fixture Settings:
a. Access the main menu and use the UP or DOWN to get to the “OTHr” menu,
then press ENTER
b. Once in the “OTHr” menu, tap the UP or Down to get to the “EBOC“ menu,
press ENTER.
c. “EBOC” is the function that turn the RDMX function on and off. Press ENTER
and be sure the function is turned on.