Veefil-RT 175-S Site Installation Manual
TRI125.INS.018 version 1
4 March 2020
Page 15 of 25
Terminate the IPU unit DC link
Prior to installation of the piping and wiring, a professional review of local requirements must be performed to
ensure that laws and regulations are adhered to. As a result, it may be necessary to deviate from the cable lug
sizes (and corresponding cable sizes) referenced in this section.
Identify the DC output cables for the rectifier pack of the power unit.
These are contained within conduit B as shown in
TRI125.INS.016 Veefil-RT
175-S Piping and CablingError! Reference source not found.
Measure, cut, and crimp with M10 cable lugs to the DC mounting points.
Figure 8: IPU DC Output Terminals
Measure, cut, and terminate the UU Earth with an M10 cable lug to the second terminal
of the IPU earth bar.
Figure 9: IPU Earth Terminals, UU Connection Point