An engine analyzer is an indispensable companionshio to an automechanic, regardless if he is a
“Sunday machanic” or a professional.
Warning : To avoid body injuries and damages to the tester, use extreme care when working under the
hood. Do not touch any moving parts or hot surfaces of the engine.
If you will take a few moments to read through the following informations and get yourself familiar with
your new tester, we are sure you can enjoy many years of its service and through its use, the engine
efficiency of your car will be increased highly.
Note : For all the following tests, unless otherwise stated, the engine should be at normal operating
temperature and running at idle speed.
Although the Tachometer will give out only RPM readings, judicious use of this function will provide much
more :
1. Connecting the analyzer:
a. Model equipped with an inductive pick-up (see fig. 1)
b. Model only with two test leads. (see fig. 2)
Connect Black clip to (-) post of the battery or any part of the engine which is relied to (-) of the
Connect red (green) clip to (-) post of the ignition coil.
Move the Cylinder switch selection to the correct position in accordance with the number of
your car cylinder.
2. Zero adjustment :
Before each use verify your analyzer reads “0”, if not, proceed as following:
Hold the instrument in normal use position, adjust the screw in front of the meter until it reads “0”
on tach scale.
1. Set the analyzer at LO-TACH.
2. Turn the Idle MIXTURE screw in until the engine begins to fall off, turn the screw out until the engine
again begins to fall off, then adjust the screw between these two points to get the highest RPM
without any missing or rolling.
3. Turn the IDLE screw to get the RPM reading according to manufacturer’s specifications.
- 1 -
1. Connect the black and red clips together, turn the “Ohm adjust” knob until the pointer is at “0”
2. Connect the suspect component to the red and black clips.
If the reading is very low, the continuity exists.
If the reading is very high, the component is opened.
TESTING THE DIODE : (see fig. 7)
1. Connect the clips to the diode ends and note the value.
2. Reverse the connections at the diode ends and note the value.
The two noted values should be considerably different, one is very high and one is very low, if not
the diode is defective.
Note: On the Delco type distributor, the dwell angle can be adjusted from the outside while the engine is
running. Simply lift the window protecting the Allen screw and use an Allen wrench to adjust the
dwell angle to manufacturer’s specifications.
1. Bring the engine temperature to normal working temperature, stop the engine.
2. Remove the distributor cap and rotor. Ground the high voltage cable from the ignition coil.
3. Loosen the locking screw of the points.
4. Crank the engine while turning the adjusting screw until the proper dwell angle is obtained.
Note: The meter needle may oscillate at cranking speed, use the average reading for measurement.
5. Reassemble the distributor and recheck the dwell at idle speed.
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