5 - Using E2MT as Remote Set Temperature Sensor
SRCOOLNETLX supports the use of one E2MT environmental sensor (included) to
control the temperature, rather than the AC unit’s default internal temperature sensor
in the return airstream. The E2MT sensor can be located in the area you wish to
control to the specific set-point.
Important Considerations When Using Remote Temperature Setpoint Mode
It is important to keep the following considerations in mind when using the
Remote Temperature Setpoint feature of SRCOOLNETLX:
The temperature being used for controlling the status of the attached cooling
device is the E2MT sensor, NOT the return air temperature. The return air
temperature may be higher or lower than the temperature E2MT is reporting.
The set-point displayed on the attached AC unit’s display panel should be
ignored when the SRCOOLNETLX is set to Remote Set-Point Temperature
mode in the PowerAlert Device Manager interface. The set point displayed on
the device display panel will be the minimum (when cooling) or maximum
(when not cooling) set-point permissible by the cooling unit.
If the power button on the cooling unit display panel is pressed while in
Remote Temperature Set-Point mode, the mode will be canceled.
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