When APC mode is selected the user must enter the target output power setting in units of dBm.
An example of APC mode is shown in Figure 8.1.1-5, in this case the user has entered a target
output power of +18.0 dBm in the second row of control functions.
User selects APC from
dropdown menu, enters
desired output power,
18.0 dBm in this case,
then presses Enter
Figure 8.1.1-5 - APC Mode with a User Entered Setting of +18.0 dBm for the Output Power
The user can manually Enable or Disable the amplifier output with the dropdown menu in the
fourth row of the control functions as shown in Figure 8.1.1-6. Whenever the user selects Disable,
the amplifier output will be turned off and the Bias Current status will display 0 mA as given in the
User chooses to turn
off the amplifier output
by selecting Disabled
from the control dropdown
Figure 8.1.1-6 - Amplifier Output Disabled by the User
The default configuration of the status display is to continuously update all status so the
Continuous Update box is checked by default, see Figure 8.1.1-7. The user can select to uncheck