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For Qualified HVAC Installer Only
The air cleaner is used in forced air heating, cooling, and ventilating systems. It should be
installed in the system such that all the system air is circulated through the air cleaner. The
air cleaner will only remove the airborne contaminants delivered to it; maximum
performance is obtained with the HVAC system blower set for continuous operation.
Installation Requirements
• The best location for the air cleaner is in the return air duct next to the HVAC blower
compartment. In this location, the blower motor and cooling coils will be kept clean.
Do not install the Air Cleaner in the discharge air duct
• Before installing the air cleaner, consider the application and type of HVAC system
• Refer to the Typical Mounting Positions section for the most common configurations.
• Refer to the Transitions section if a transition is required between the duct work and the
air cleaner.
• The unit must be readily accessible for periodic inspection and cleaning of the Prefilters
and Ionizing-Collecting Cells to maintain maximum efficiency and trouble free operation.
Air Conditioning
The air cleaner should be installed upstream of the cooling coil to keep the coil clean and
reduce air conditioning coil maintenance. A clean coil will reduce utility costs by
maintaining the coil’s efficiency. If the air cleaner is downstream of the cooling coil,
condensation will form on the cooled collector plates when the air conditioner cycles. This
will allow water droplets to form on the collector plates and cause nuisance arcing in the air
cleaner. Arcing will reduce air cleaner’s efficiency and reduce the life of the high voltage
power supply.
Evaporative Humidifiers
An evaporative type humidifier can be mounted either upstream or downstream of the air
cleaner, depending upon the desired humidification capacity.
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For Qualified HVAC Installer Only
Atomizing Humidifiers
If an atomizing humidifier is mounted upstream of the air cleaner:
1. Mount the humidifier as far upstream in the ductwork as possible. A distance of at least
10 feet is recommended to reduce the possibility of excessive arcing as water droplets
pass through the Electronic Air Cleaner.
2. Install a standard disposable furnace filter between the humidifier and the air cleaner to
trap water droplets and hard water deposits.
3. Clean the air cleaner more frequently to prevent hard water buildup.
If an atomizing humidifier is mounted downstream of the air cleaner:
No additional considerations required.
Sheet Metal Installation
The Electronic Air Cleaner is adaptable
to all new or existing residential forced
air furnace and cooling systems.
If the air duct does not fit the air cleaner
cabinet opening, gradual transitions are
recommended to reduce air turbulence
through the air cleaner and maximize
efficiency. Not more than 20° (about 4”
per running foot) of expansion should
be used on each side of the transition
Outdoor Air
When outdoor air is added to the return
air duct, sufficient heat should be
added to maintain the return air
temperature at 40°F (4° C) minimum.
Lower temperatures can cause ionizer
wire failure.
Turning Vanes
If the air cleaner is installed adjacent to
a 90° duct elbow, add turning vanes
inside the duct to improve air
distribution across the face of the air
cleaner. Failure to follow this
recommendation can reduce the
efficiency of the Electronic Air Cleaner.